Summer Fun
The Summer Fun Camp at the Master’s Ranch was started in 1991 under the God given vision and leadership of Pastor Oren Perdue.
The Master’s Ranch, a ministry of the Salisbury Baptist Temple, Consists of 93 acres of pastures and woodlands that are connected to the church property on the east side. Registration and many of the Summer Fun Activities take place
on the church property.
Registration forms can be picked up at the church or call and request them at 410-546-4455
2024 Summer Fun Schedule
Week 1: June 17 – 21 Beau Cordrey
Week 2: June 24 – 28 Tyler Revel
Week 3: July 1 – 5 SBT Staff Men
Week 4: July 8 – 12 Zach Campbell
Week 5: July 15 – 19 Ernie Portlock
Teen Week: July 22 – 26 Cecil Ballard
Week 6: July 29 – August 2 Dillun Williams
Week 7: August 4 – 9 David Gerken
What to Bring:
A lunch – drinks are provided
A King James Bible
A desire to have a good time
What to Wear:
BOYS: A Summer Fun T-Shirt & Pants (No shorts, earrings, or necklaces, please.
GIRLS: A Summer Fun T-shirt & Knee Length Skirt or Culottes (No shorts, jams, or slacks). Culottes may be purchased at Camp.
Who Can Come:
Any child, ages 6-17 (Must be 6 by campers first day of camp),
Teens (see the special “Teen Week” information below)
What to Expect:
Daily Bible lessons, horsemanship classes, and horseback riding. Other activities include crafts, games, puppets, air rifle classes, water slide. archery, bicycling and field trips.

Earn a free week to Summer Fun!
To earn a free week to Summer Fun:
A camper must earn 95 points to receive a free week
Each point has the value of $1 which is applied toward the cost of a week at Summer Fun
Points are earned weekly in the following ways:
- 5 points for Attending Sunday School at Salisbury Baptist Temple
- 4 points for Bringing a Bible
- 3 points for Bringing Visitors ages 4 – 17
- 5 points for Bringing Visitors ages 18 +
- 5 points for Memorizing weekly Bible Verses ( 1 point for the previous weeks Bible verse)
- 1 point for Wearing proper clothing (Boys – shirt, tie, long pants; Girls – knee-length dress or skirt)
When 20 points are earned, he/she will receive a cowboy hat.
When 60 points are earned, he/she will receive a Summer Fun shirt.
When 95 points are earned, he/she will receive a certificate which states the camper has earned a free week at Summer Fun.
Additional Information is available in the Summer Fun Campaign pamphlet at SBT
Note: If a student does not earn 95 points, his family will be responsible for the balance
Affordable Prices!
Before June 01:
$25.00 with registration & $90.00 due on the first day of camp for a total of $115.00.
After June 01:
$25.00 with registration & $95.00 due on the first day of camp for a total of $120.00
For a Second or Any other Week Thereafter:
$25.00 with registration & $85.00 due on the first day of camp for a total of $110.00
A family with three siblings attending camp the same week may send additional siblings that week free.
The Cost includes two Summer Fun T-Shirts and a cowboy hat which are issued to each camper the first day they attend camp. The cost for second and following weeks a camper attends is less since the t-shirts and hats do not have to be provided. Those who registered before June 01 save money and are assured a registration the week requested unless that week is already filled. For those campers attending two or more weeks, the entire $80.00 can be paid the first day of that week’s camp; however, Summer Fun cannot promise a reserved place unless the camper is registered before the due date. Registration Money is Non Refundable unless the camper is turned away because the camp is full.
This year we are not accepting purchase of care
There is a $25.00 Pre-Registration Fee
Only Pre-Registration Campers. No Walk-Ins due to limited capacities.
All campers are expected to be here promptly at 8:00 AM for opening exercises and stay until the camp closes at 5:00 PM. Arrangements can be made for those who desire to leave their children before 7:30 AM or cannot pick them up by 5:30 PM.
A Day Camp with a Western Flavor

Teen Week Activities
Great Bible Studies
Advanced Horsemanship Classes
Trail Rides Around The Master’s Ranch
Thirteen Mile Trail Ride

Summer Fun Rodeo Activities
Flag Racing
Sled Racing
Pig Chasing
Barrel Racing
Goat Dressing
Sled Racing
*Horse events are not mandatory in the rodeo*
Friday Night is the highlight of the camp week. Since Summer Fun is a ministry that believes the best kind of fun involves the whole family, we ask the parents not to pick up the campers at 5:00 PM on Friday.
The campers and staff only will be fed a hot dog roasted meal at 5:00 PM.
The rodeo will start at 6:00 PM for all the camper families to attend.
The Campers get to show off some of the things they learned in the horsemanship class by participating in some of the events of the rodeo.
The campers will also have some fun in competing among the teams in such events as “Dress the Pig” and “Catch the Goat”.